Friday, April 15, 2011

Dinner outside!

I'm not quite sure why, but our kiddos just adore eating food outside.  Do yours love this too?  Any restaurant that has a patio is quite a nightmare to visit - they just beg and beg to get to sit outside, no matter the temperature.  So when they asked if they could eat dinner outside a few days ago I was all about it.  I love not having to sweep up after a meal!

They were pretending they were camping in the front yard.  After playing in the sprinkler they laid out their towels and then got some of our holiday decorations out to"set up camp."  Not really sure where they got these crazy ideas from, but we were happy to allow such nonsense!
Annie girl even got in on the crazy face nonsense.  I think she was upset she wasn't getting any of the boys food!  We started feeding her Cheerios this week and she LOVES them.  The girl wants to eat real food!

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