Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Red-winged Blackbird!

 We were outside doing school on the back porch when what to our wondering eyes should appear?  Yes, a Red-Winged Blackbird!  Yes, I know this is an extremely common bird, but we have never seen one before.  To be honest I didn't even know what it was.  But Noah J certainly did!  This boy prides himself on knowing every single bird that comes into our yard, male and female!  Every time I think he is yanking my chain we pull out bird field guide and he is always right.  :) So we stopped what we were doing and pulled out our Prisma colors and nature journals.  When we first started our nature journals Noah really HATED them.  Mostly because I was forcing him to write in it.  But this year I decided I really wanted him to develop a love of recording the things he finds interesting in God's creation, so I told him I would be his scribe.  Ta da!!  We suddenly have a boy who loves nature journaling.  :)   Love homeschooling outside in the springtime weather!

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